ImageFirst News

Friday, June 19, 2020

How to Clean Outdoor Signage

Just like the food you eat affects the way you feel, the way you treat your signage will affect it’s longevity in its environment.

Reg­u­lar sign clean­ing can reduce main­te­nance issues and extend the life of sig­nage investments.

How to effec­tive­ly clean dif­fer­ent sign materials:

Out­door Signs need to be washed like a car (with­out the pres­sure washer).

Since alu­minum exte­ri­or sig­nage has an auto­mo­tive fin­ish always use clean water and car sham­poo 3-4 times per year or as need­ed. Car sham­poo con­tains a wax to pro­tect and pre­serve the paint­ed surface. 

Pro Tip 👉🏻 Make sure exte­ri­or signs are not exposed to con­stant irri­ga­tion or water lines, this will dra­mat­i­cal­ly degrade the life of your sign. 

Acrylic sur­faces can be cleaned with a sim­ple moist­ened cloth. 

Pro Tip 👉🏻 Nev­er use paper tow­els on acrylic, this will scratch the surface. 

Plas­tic and Com­pos­ite sur­faces use a clean soft damp cloth and mild detergent.


  • Methy­lat­ed spir­its, sol­vents or any acids
  • Deter­gents con­tain­ing abrasives
  • Course cloths or clean­ing brushes
  • Pow­er­ful steam or high-pres­sure clean­ing machines
  • Paper tow­els on acrylic surfaces

Envi­ron­men­tal Effects:

Indus­tri­al Areas can see more cor­ro­sive par­ti­cles like lime, oil based deposits, sul­phur diox­ide, acids and oth­er air­borne pol­lu­tants and should be cleaned more regularly.

Tree, bush, and bird deposits (all rich in alka­li) should be removed prompt­ly and may require more regularly.

Coastal Areas have high­er con­cen­tra­tions of salt and humid­i­ty which could adverse­ly affect paint­ed fin­ish­es, so clean more often to help extend the life


All paint­ed and plas­tic com­po­nents do fade over time. But using smart col­or selec­tion, avoid­ing direct sun­light, and reg­u­lar clean­ing high qual­i­ty sig­nage can look great for years!

Have ques­tions on a mate­r­i­al or a best way to clean? 

Shoot us a mes­sage or give us a call 641.236.1508.